Friday, July 9, 2021

Paperomia Pellucida Leaf/Daun Sirih Cina (IN MALAY)

Terdapat Banyak Khasiat  - Paperomia Pellucida Leaf/Daun Sirih Cina
(Kerap di cabut dan di buang)

Masih tak ramai orang tahu tentang daun herba atau jenis herba ini, biasanya daun ini hanya tumbuh di kawasan yang panas, daun ini juga mempunyai banyak nama seperti di bawah ini antaranya: 

Nama Latinnya: Peperomia Pellucida,
Nama Asian nya adalah: Daun Sirih Cina (lebih di kenali dengan nama Suruhan Air atau Ketumpang Air - Indonesia), Chinese Betel Leaf Plant (negara China).

Daun tanaman ini juga berbentuk kecil dan selalu terdedah pada sumber air, seperti tanah yang lembab dan dekat dengan sungai. panjang dan ketinggian pokok herba ini antara 15 ke 45 cm, boleh di jumpai di merata asia dan America, pokok herba ini jugak mudah di tanam dan ia mengeluarkan banyak benih yang halus dan berwarna kehitaman (pastikan jika mahu ambil benihnya tunggu sampai benihnya menjadi hitam dan bukan hijau).
info lain: Tanaman ini juga boleh di makan seperti 'Ulaman' sedap di makan, letakkan ia dalam air untuk memastikan ia tetap segar dan sedia untuk di makan, btw untuk pengetahuan anda juga pokok daun nya juga bersifat 'garing' mudah patah, jadi hati hati jika ingin mengambilnya.

Cara nak tanam:
tarik benih dari batang benih seperti di tunjuk anak panah di atas, dan taburkan saja di atas tanah, ia akan tumbuh dalam masa 5-8 hari, mudah sekali untuk tanam.

ps: Jika terjumpa di tepi jalan atau sekitar kawasan rumah, cunkilkan tanah sedikit dan ambil dgn berlahan agar ia tidak patah dan akarnya tidak putus, kemudian cepat tanamkan kerana tumbuhan ini mudah layu dan mati (kering). 

Cara siram Air:
Siram air cukup hanya di sekeliling tanah, dan tidak direct terus ke daun (takut patah atau condong dan akhirnya patah di sebabkan siraman air terlalu berat)

Membantu rawat sakit lutut
CARA: Lumatkan daun serta batangnya dengan di tepekkan kepada lutut yang sakit (di biarkan buat seketika, dan bersihkan bila dah kering, diulang lagi kalau masih sakit)

Khasiat Herba ini di antaranya:

1.   Sebagai Anti-Biotik Alami 
- Kandungan senyawa patuloside A sebagai anti-mikroba dan anti bakteria yang kuat mengatasi akibat bakteria

2.   Kencing Manis (Menurunkan kadar Gula Darah)
- Daun ini mempunyai efek anti-hiperglikemia yang dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh pada penderita diabetes melitus

3.   Tekanan Darah Tinggi

4.   Menurunkan Kadar Asam Urat (Gout)
- Daun ini jugak mengandungi zat anti-hiperurisemia yang dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah.
ps: Minum 1 gelas perahan (di blender) atau rebusan air, 2 kali sehari

5.   Artitis, Reumatisme

6.   Penawar Sakit Sendi 
- Mengandun alkaloid yang bekerja menghambat terbentuknya enzim oksidase penyebab timbulnya gangguan persendian

7.   Boleh di buat sebagai Sayur, Salad & Teh

8.   Sakit Perut & Cirit Birit 
- Tanaman ini di gunakan sebagai gastroprotektif atau penghambat gangguan kesihatan yang berhubungan dengan usus besar (perut)

9.   Mengubat Buasir

10. Jangkitan pada Pundi Kencing

11. Sakit Kepala
- Tanaman ini jugak bersifat analgesik, dapat meredakan nyeri dan sakit kepala
ps: Minum 1 Gelas perahan (di belender) atau rebusan daun ini, 2 kali sehari

12. Mengelakkan jangkitan pada Mata

13. Selsema 

14. Penghilang Bisul & Jerawat
- Daun ini juga mengandungi senyawa flovonoid sebagai anti-inflamasi (peradangan) atau pembengkakan akibat bakteria
ps: Minum 1 Gelas prasahan (di blender) atau rebusan air, 1 kali sehari

15. Meredakan Batuk & Demam
- Ramas daun serta batangnya dan sapukan pada kepala dan badan

16. Ubat - Luka/bakar
-  Tumbuk/Lumat halus daun ini terlebih dahulu, kemudian tempelkan kepada bahagian tubuh yang mengalami luka bakar.  
ps: Lakukan 3 kali sehari

17. Merawat Penyakit Kayap
- Pokok di tumbuk dengan bedak sejuk - tanpa perlu campur air sebab pokok pun dah lembut dan berair, kemudian di sapurkan terus pada bahagian kayap. InsyaAllah jika di izinkan InsyaAllah cepat sembuh amin.

nota: Ada tanya - Bagaimana Rasa Daun ini
Rasa eh...ibu dah rasa, rasanya sama seperti kita makan sayur salad, dan kalau di buat ulam atau di goreng (separuh goreng) dan makan bersama nasi panas Fuhhh memanglah sedap dan mantab 😅💪 selamat mencuba 👍😋.

Paperomia Pellucida Leaf/Daun Sirih Cina (English)

 Many Benefits of - Paperomia Pellucida Leaf/Daun Sirih Cina

(that not many people know)

What is Chinese Betel Leaf?

Maybe some people still don't know this type of plant, because most people often ignore the Chinese betel leaf plant. This plant has the Latin name Peperomia Pellucida and is often found in humid areas. 

Peperomia Pellucida is a plant that has a small shape and has short roots. You can find this plant in places that are always exposed to water such as small rivers or waterways. This plant is about 15 to 45 cm long, has juicy stems, and broad but soft leaves. This plant can be found on the continents of Asia and America, besides that it is easy to grow because it produces many seeds. so to pick the seed make sure the seed turn to black in colour and not green.

But as you know that there are still many of us who still don't know what are the benefits of this Chinese betel leaf.

More info about this plant:

 This plant u can eat raw just like other Vegge or salad, it taste nice and not better, to eat raw put the leave in the water to keep the plant fresh 'crispy' & ready to eat like salad.  The plan was to soft till its easyly break, so careful when you wanna pick this plant so u can eat it in one pic.


Benefits of Chinese Betel Leaf

Chinese betel leaf has several benefits that you may not know about, so on this occasion, I will explain some of the benefits as follows.

1. Treating Headaches

Headache is a disease that is often experienced by most people, this disease can appear at any time due to several factors such as a stressed mind either because of work or family problems, lack of glucose, etc.

Chinese betel leaf turns out to be able to divide headaches without having any side effects. The method is quite easy, namely by smoothing the leaves, and then you can paste them on the temples of the right and left eyes.

2. Treating Stomach Pain

Stomach pain has several causes, from eating late, consuming food or drinks that are not clean, or even consuming foods that are too spicy. Usually, some of these reasons are the trigger for this disease.

Chinese betel leaf can also treat stomach pain naturally. This condition must be treated immediately because otherwise, it can cause several other problems. The way to treat stomach pain is to smooth the Chinese betel leaf that has been washed, then squeeze it to produce water, then drink the juice.

3. Treating Boils And Acne

Boils and acne are very annoying skin problems, especially if you are a career woman or man who has to deal with many people every day. If you have this problem, it will reduce your self-confidence.

To treat these skin problems, you can smooth clean Chinese betel leaves and then boil them with 2 cups of water until leaving only 1 cup. After that drink 2x a day until completely healed.

4. Treating Swelling

Swelling is a disease caused by a collision with a hard object that causes pain in the inside of the body. Providing natural treatment with Chinese betel leaf can reduce pain due to this condition.

To treat it, you can smooth the Chinese betel leaf and then boil it and drink the boiled water until it is completely healed. In addition, you can also put Chinese betel leaves that have been smooth to the swollen parts of the body.

5. Treating Gout

Gout is indeed one of the diseases that are often experienced by parents who enter the age of 45 years and over. This condition occurs because of the high content of acid levels in a person's uric acid, causing a very painful gout disease.

Chinese betel leaf can control uric acid levels to keep it in normal condition by boiling Chinese betel leaves that have been mashed and drunk regularly. Besides being a natural treatment, it turns out that consuming boiled water of Chinese betel leaves does not have side effects if consumed for a long time.

6. Has Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal Compounds

It turns out that the content of betel leaf has important compounds in it, namely the Methanol extract of Mental which is a broad-spectrum anti-microbial compound that can overcome infections caused by bacteria that enter the body.

Several types of bacteria can be overcome by consuming china betel leaves such as Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria, Escherichia Coli Bacteria, Pseudomonas Aerugenosa Bacteria, and Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria.

In addition to having anti-bacterial compounds, it turns out that Chinese betel leaves contain chloroform which is an anti-fungal compound. To get these compounds you need to dry first. In addition to having 2 important compounds, it turns out that Chinese betel leaf is also useful as an Anti-Protozoa.

7. Other Benefits

If you have some of the problems that I have described, maybe Chinese betel leaf can be alternative medicine. But you need to know that there are several other benefits that you can get when consuming this Chinese betel leaf, such as:

Treating Pain

Treating Bladder Disorders

Treating Bruises

Treating Spasmodic Pain

Prevent Kidney Disease

Treating Diarrhea

Overcoming Digestive Problems

Those are some of the benefits that you can get when consuming Chinese betel leaves. For those of you who don't know it, hopefully, this article can be a natural alternative treatment that does not have any side effects. Regards

Internet Info from Share Healty & My experience too ty.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Butterfly PIE Blue


This is how the plant look like


A friend of mine intruduced me to this plant, she said that this plant good for body, and also can cure many problem that your body create, so with  curious head, i started to find out more about this plant, and i learn, grow this plant, its not easy but hey i did it 👍, and i try drink (look at below picture) and to me this is miracle plant really is work magic, help me to maintain/stable my diabetic in about a weeks only Alhamdulillah, diffrence people have diffrence reaction for the body, its good for ur health try n u can feel it ur self.

Dried Leaf

These have some wonderful health benefits 
for human body such as:
Fights Against Cancers
Keeps Skin Clear & Glowing
Boosts Immune System
Boosts Metabolism
Boosts brain health
Reduces Disease-Causing Fat
Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Lower High Blood Pressure
Help Regulate Blood Sugar
Fight Insomnia
For General pains & Aches

I read some article say that this plant have...
Antioxidant Tea & Tincture
You can get your dose of antioxidant orrally as well:
Tincture in Alcohol beautiful purple - blue)
Herbal infusion with hot Water (beautiful purple - blue colour)

Butterfly Pea is not oil solube.

Fun Fact: Butterfly Pea is very PH sensitive. Try adding Dry Butterfly Pea into the glass with hot water, then add slice of Lemon to your butterfly Tea and you will see that the blue colour will turn into PINK! (MAGIC right??), drink when the water luke warm, 

Best drink: 1 week 2 or 3 times (alternate)
early morning - before breakfast
night - before sleep

Result (next morning) - feel fresh 
ps: the rest of the result ist up to u to do & consume ( u got to believe in order u to succed alright.

Btw guys, You can buy this Dry Butterfly Pea online 100grm for 
S$10/- (and below), you will received in 1 to 2 weeks time or you also can buy the seeds online too and grow them your self, ok good luck 
sharing is caring take care ur health wassalam.